Saturday, June 16, 2012

عن الثورة و عن الحياة - About Revolution & Life

"العالم يتحول للأفضل لأن هناك شعوبا تخاطر بأرواحها لجعله أفضل ”
الروائي البرازيلي بولو كويلهو

"The world only gets better because people risk something to make it better"
                                                                                                             Paulo Coelho

In this project i tried to focus on some meanings related to the Egyptian Revolution, meanings like equality, the importance of knowledge,work and hope. i also tried to describe the social fabric of the Egyptian society with its two classes, the lower and upper class, the huge gab between them, and also the absence of the middle class. 
I used Double Exposure and black&white in my work.

this project was the result of the great workshop "In Your Hands - From Viewing to Making" with the inspiring Artists Ronnie Close , Liam Devlin.That took place at Contemporary Image Collective (CIC) Photo School.

و يبقى الأمل
The hope will never die