Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gezert El Dahab

It was really so great that i got the opportunity to visit "Gezert el dahab" just one week after i was at "al nazla" village - fayoum.
it was great because i got to see the differences between the two places.it's alot different here at gezeret el dahab.i found a sense of beauty imposing itself in everything around me,starting with the houses,the wide landscape,calmness and peace in the streets ,even the animals there were really pretty.

the best part of the day was when 2 little donkeys got loose and started to run allover the place and the children were trying too hard to catch them..it was a lot of fun.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Al Nazla Village - Fayoum

2 weeks ago i went in a photography trip to "al-nazla" village - fayoum.

 it was a long road. when i arrived and walked my first step there i felt a strange feeling..close to bad than good.

 it's a tough place specially for children,this place is based on pottery process that starts with mud and ends in fire. i wanted to capture the soul of the place with all its contradictions, and i saw this soul is so clear in the eyes of children.

though all these circumstances the children are still able to laugh,play and dream.

the best thing of that day is that i got the chance to put a smile on some child's face.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


2 Weeks ago.i sent my c.v and a sample of my previous work to CIC (Contemporary Image Collective) art foundation, as they announced a workshop under the title "The Image of Movement" By the Artist Doa Aly,
discussing the book "Cinema 1-The Movement Image" by Gilles Deleuz.
and it really was a great day when i knew that i was accepted.
but before i knew this.i really had a great chat with Doa, and i have done some reading about Deleuz and his book.and this inspired me to make this album under the theme "Struggle".

Words About the album.
An Artist, A Writer
he has always that inner struggle inside of him struggle of thoughts,ideas and words.
he feels like there is another person within him, sometimes that other person holds the pen and writes his words.

"حياتي ...
هي رحلة طويلة..لا اتذكر بدايتها..ولا ارى نهايتها

صراع يدور في راسي دوما..افكار تجذبني..و اخرى تطرحنى ارضا
و بين الشرق و الغرب اجد نفسي حائرا..
لعلي اهتدي الى نفسي يوما..و لكني اليوم سأكتفي بالكتابة"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


It was the first time for me to take this step, to walk in the streets and start shooting strangers,
i went alone. it was a little intimidating at the begging but after a while i got used to it,and i really found it easier and more fun than i thought,you just have to talk with people, know about their lives and what they do, you will discover amazing stories.
i really believe that behind every good photo there is a good relation between the photographer and the person who is being photographed.